Here you will find answers to our most commonly asked questions. In addition, if you don't find the answer that you need to know, please use the feedback form below, and we will be in answer you personally.

In addition, this is a free service


What is the distance that the sensors carry?

The sensor carries a range of (std) 10-12 meters. The range from Sensor to receiver starts at 300mtrs goes to 3.0 km (with different aerial applications)

What about obstacles interfering with a connection?

It all depends whether it obstructs the view and what type of obstacle you are looking at, for example the following ‘loose’ obstacles will not likely have an impact:

  • Normal Shrubbery
  • Wooden Sheds
  • Rivers
  • Hedges

Whereas the following obstacles most likely would pose an impact on connection:

  • 6 foot deep Macrocarpas
  • Metal Sheds
  • Power Poles - These are only a problem if the sensor is placed within 1 to 2 metres of the pole
  • Electric Fences - The same conditions as power poles applies here
  • Sun, positioning the sensor towards the Sun as the sensors are heat motion activated
  • Cows and Stock, as they can easily set these off, it is best not to aim the sensor towards the paddock

What About Hills

If the house roof is taller than the hill, then the connection can still be received.

Wireless System

Is the system Wireless ?

Yes, the sensors are connected to the main Transmitter remotely, no cables connecting them at all.


Do the sensors need a link to another sensor to create a 'bridge'?

Not at all, each sensor only requires itself to create an infrared beam, this means only one is needed at each area you wish to place one.


Is the receiver fixed in place?

No, it is entirely portable as it is plugged directly in to any mains point. This applies if no external aerial is used.


What kinds are used?

A nine vault alkaline battery is used; we have found that these are high quality.

It goes off unexpectedly after a person comes through?

It may be that the battery needs to be replaced.

My battery has been installed, yet it is playing up?

The battery type may be incorrect and will most likely need checking.


Does this have a warranty?

Yes, for 2 years


Can I install this myself?

Yes, they can be self installed and can take 15 to 20 minutes for a standard unit.

For more information on installation Click Here


I need more sensors installed, is this possible?

Yes, extra sensors can be purchased for this need.


I have lots of hills, will this make a difference?

If you have a more extreme example than described in question one, then the Infra Alert is not effective for your situation. Steelcom in Auckland design units for these situations.

I only have a small hill; can Infra Alert still be used?

If your house is on top of a hill looking down, then the Infra Alert should still be appropriate for your use.


How quickly and effectively can repairs be done?

ll repairs are done here in New Zealand and the parts are readily available as well.


My neighbour may have an Infra Alert, will this effect mine?

If your neighbour is within 300 meters, then you can adjust the frequency of your Infra Alert easily to avoid cross signals.

Are there any benefits?

Yes, the benefit of being within 300 metres of each other is that when you go on holiday, the frequency can be adjusted to the same so that your neighbour can also monitor your property.

Large House

I have a large house, what if I don't hear the alert?

This is where one of our sounders or pagers may help, thus you can be alerted even if you are far from the receiver.

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